Mila Simon, Andrew Van Doorn, Gus Kokkoros and Planner Leo DeLoyde, Registered Planner, made a presentation to Council.
He noted that the present proposed location is still located at 157 7th Street SW in Chesley. Solarbank is proposing to move the BESS location immediately outside the aggregate licence area, while remaining 165 metres from residents.
The proposed BESS is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Bruce County Official Plan and the Arran-Elderslie Official Plan that supports energy infrastructure that supports local residents, agricultural operations and the business community.
Mr. Deloyde noted that Environmental Site Assessments are completed and underway, no water or sanitary services are required, no traffic will be generated other than periodic visits following construction, gravel pad base will facilitate stormwater flows, and automated fire protection systems will protect the BESS
The proposed BESS facility is compatible with the adjoining energy facilities and the surrounding agricultural and rural residential land uses.
Andrew Van Doorn noted that the property will be treated like any other commercial property and that it has to have access it at all times and there will be snow clearing.
There will be a community benefit of $100,000 which will be a negotiated agreement. There has been no feedback from any neighbours.