Council Meeting


Council Chambers
1925 Bruce Road 10, Chesley, ON
Council Present:
  • Mayor Steve Hammell
  • Deputy Mayor Jennifer Shaw
  • Councillor Ryan Nickason
  • Councillor Darryl Hampton
  • Councillor Brian Dudgeon
  • Councillor Moiken Penner - virtually
  • Councillor Peter Steinacker
Staff Present:
  • Sylvia Kirkwood - CAO
  • Christine Fraser-McDonald - Clerk
  • Julie Hamilton - Deputy Clerk
  • Scott McLeod - Public Works Manager
  • Carly Steinhoff - Recreation Manager - virtually
  • Pat Johnston - Chief Building Official - virtually
  • Steve Tiernan - Fire Chief

Mayor Hammell called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. A quorum was present. 

  • On October 27th from 3pm to 5pm, it is “Spooktacular Trick or Treat Chesley”. There will be trick or treating at participating Chesley businesses including the Arran-Elderslie Administration Office.

  • On October 28th from 1pm - 4pm, the Paisley District Chamber of Commerce is hosting it’s ‘Trick or Treating’ free community event for kids ages 0-12 years. Trick or Treaters in costume are invited to Haunted Paisley Trick or Treat Stamp Cards at Bonfire on Queen and Saugie’s Stop n’ Shop and visit participating locations for Halloween activities.

  • October 28th and 29th from 4pm - 9pm the Haunted House returns to the Paisley Legion- Admission is $5.00.

  • October 28th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm there will be a beef dinner at the Geneva Presbyterian Church. Tickets must be purchased ahead and please contact the church to purchase a ticket.

  • November 11th is Remembrance Day. There will be ceremonies held at the Chesley, Tara and Paisley Cenotaphs starting at 10:30 a.m.

Council passed the following resolution: 

  • 297-20-2023
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Shaw
    Seconded by:Councillor Hampton

    Be It Resolved that the agenda for the Council Meeting of Monday, October 23, 2023 be received and adopted, as distributed by the Clerk.


Subsequent to further discussion, Council passed the following resolution:

  • 298-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Hampton
    Seconded by:Councillor Dudgeon

    Be It Resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Session held October 10, 2023.


Roger Thorne, Ben Rier and Russ Cavanaugh attended on behalf of the Rotary Club to present a cheque to the Municipality for the  final and full payment of the pedestrian bridge in Tara.

Mr. Abbs of Watson & Associates made a presentation to Council.

The purpose of development charges is to recover the capital costs associated with residential and nonresidential growth within a municipality.   The capital costs are in addition to what costs would normally be constructed as part of a subdivision (i.e. internal roads, sewers, watermains, sidewalks, streetlights, etc.). D.C.s are typically paid to the Municipality prior to receiving a building permit. Municipalities are empowered to impose these charges via the Development Charges Act (D.C.A.).

D.C. Eligible Services are:

1. Water
2. Wastewater
3. Storm water drainage
4. Services related to a highway.
5. Electrical power services.
6. Toronto-York subway extension.
7. Transit
8. Waste diversion
9. Policing
10.Fire protection
13.Long-term Care
14.Parks and Recreation
15.Public Health services
16.Housing Services - has been removed
17.Childcare and early years services.
18.Provincial Offences Act
19.Emergency Preparedness
20.Airports (Waterloo Region only). 

Development charges can be used to:

  • acquire land or an interest in land
  • improve land,
  • acquire, lease, construct or improve buildings, facilities and structures (includes furniture and equipment)
  • Equipment and rolling stock
  • Capital component of a lease for the above
  • Circulation materials for Libraries
  • Interest on money borrowed to pay for the above
  • Any planning horizon for future capital needs can be used, except for Transit (which is limited to 10 years)
  • Capital costs must be reduced by grants, subsidies and other contributions.
  • May include authorized costs incurred or proposed to be incurred by others on behalf of a municipality/local board
  • Certain Capital Costs may not be included:
  • Parkland Acquisition
  • Vehicle & Equipment with an average life of  less than seven years.
  • Computer Equipment that is not integral to the delivery of the service

Council thanked Mr. Abbs for his presentation.

Tony Houad, Director of the Municipal Innovation Council made a presentation to Council.

The MIC was formed in 2020 when eight municipalities came together to find savings, funding and deliver services better to their residents.

When the MIC was launched, there were four key areas of focus: construction, IT, municipal sustainability and liveable communities. For every MIC dollar invested, we have been able to double that through external funding sources. This brings the total value delivered by the MIC to over $1.25 million.

The Food Cycler pilot program was run in Bruce County that included 880 participating households, 420 of which were
supported by the MIC.  The net cost to the Municipal Innovation Council was $42,000 + Shipping +HST.  The program ran from May – August 2023.

The 420 Food Cycler units subsidized by the MIC and with a financial contribution by Bruce Power will divert 116.3 metric tonnes of food waste from local landfills per year—the equivalent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from
taking 29.3 gasoline-powered vehicles off the road every year. This is a reduction of 21.8 garbage bags per household per year being trucked to local landfills.

Council thanked Mr. Houad for his presentation.

  • 299-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Steinacker
    Seconded by:Councillor Nickason

    Be it Resolved that Council hereby support the following:
    1.    The Proponent is proposing to construct and operate a Long-Term Reliability Project, as defined and with the characteristics outlined in the table below, under the Long-Term Request for Proposals (“LT1 RFP”) issued by the Independent Electricity System Operator (“IESO”).

    Unique Project ID of the Long-Term Reliability Project: LT1RFQ-021-2

    Name of the Long-Term Reliability Project: Grey Owl Storage Project

    Proponent: Shift Solar Inc. 

    Technology of the Long-Term Reliability Project: Electricity Storage Facility 

    Maximum Contract Capacity of the Long- Term Reliability Project (in MW): 400 MW

    Legal description of the portion of the Project Site that is located on lands subject to the authority of one or more Municipalities: PIN 331700145, PT LT 36 CON 4 ARRAN AS IN R352883 EXCEPT PARTS 1 & 2 3R8227 N OF 3R1688, T/W R352883 MUNICIPALITY OF ARRAN-ELDERSLIE (the “Municipal Lands”)

    2.    Pursuant to the LT1 RFP, Proposals that receive the formal support of the local jurisdictional authorities of all the project communities in which the Long-Term Reliability Project is located in the form of a support resolution will be awarded Rated Criteria points for the purpose of ranking the Proposal in relation to other Proposals for a contract under the LT1 RFP; and

    3.    The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie supports the development, construction and operation of the Long-Term Reliability Project on the Municipal Lands.

    4.    This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Proponent to receive Rated Criteria points under LT1 RFP or to satisfy its obligations under any awarded LT1 Contract and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of approval in relation to the Proposal or Long-Term Reliability Project or for any other purpose. Rated Criteria points will be used to rank the Proponent’s Proposal in relation to other Proposals received by the IESO under the LT1 RFP.



Subsequent to further discussion, Council passed the following resolution:

  • 300-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Hampton
    Seconded by:Councillor Penner - virtually

    Be It Resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie receives, notes, and files correspondence on the Council Agenda for information purposes.


Deputy Clerk, Julie Hamilton, responded to questions from Members of Council. 

Subsequent to further discussion, Council passed the following resolution:

  • 301-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Hampton
    Seconded by:Councillor Dudgeon

    Be It Resolved that Council hereby,

    1. Approves Policy CLK01-2023 Petition Policy, as presented; and
    2. Directs Staff to draft a by-law to authorize the adoption of the Petition Policy.

Deputy Clerk, Julie Hamilton, responded to questions from Members of Council. 

Subsequent to further discussion, Council passed the following resolution:

  • 299-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Hampton
    Seconded by:Councillor Steinacker

    Be It Resolved that Council hereby,

    1.Approves the DRAFT Category 3 Cost Apportioning Agreement prepared by Saugeen Conservation Valley Authority; and

    2.Directs Staff to prepare a by-law to authorize the execution of the Cost Apportioning Agreement.





Deputy Mayor Shaw attended a SMART meeting and will be attending a Grey Sauble Conservation meeting as well as the Paisley bridge opening ceremony and Remembrance Day ceremonies.


Councillor Hampton attended a physician recruitment meeting and will be attending the Chesley Remembrance Day ceremony.


Councillor Dudgeon had nothing to report.


Councillor Steinacker attended the Fireman's Open House in Tara, presented a certificate to Country Cousins for their reopening and will be attending the Paisley Bridge Openings and the Tara Remembrance Day service.  He thanked the Tara arena staff for their great work for the Tara Craft Sale.  He also noted that the Tara Mason's branch is disbanding and they are requesting the rental fee be waived for their last meeting at the Arkwright Hall.


Councillor Penner attended the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority meeting.


Councillor Nickason will be attending a BASWR meeting and the Tara Remembrance Day service.


Mayor Hammell attended the Fireman's Breakfast in Chesley and the Tara Fireman's Lunch.  He also presented a certificate to Country Cousins in Tara on their reopening and attended the Arran-Tara Public school.


  • 302-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Hampton
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Shaw

    Be It Resolved that By-law No. 53-2023 be introduced and read a first, second and third time, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book. 

    By-law 53-2023 being a By-law to Authorize an Apportionment Agreement for Category 3 Services Between The Municipality Of Arran-Elderslie and The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority.


Subsequent to further discussion, Council passed the following resolution:

  • 303-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Nickason
    Seconded by:Councillor Dudgeon

    Be It Resolved that By-law No. 54-2023 be introduced and read a first, second and third time, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

    By-law 54-2023 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Council meeting of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie held Monday, October 23, 2023.


Subsequent to further discussion, Council passed the following resolution:

  • 303-20-2023
    Moved by:Councillor Hampton
    Seconded by:Councillor Nickason

    Be It Resolved that the meeting be adjourned to the call of the Mayor at 11:22 a.m.

  • November 13, 2023
  • November 27, 2023
  • December 11, 2023