Property Standards Committee

Council Chambers
1925 Bruce Road 10, Chesley, ON

The Chair will explain the purpose and the power of the Committee and will outline the procedure to be followed. 

Section 15.3 (3.1) Powers of Committee

"On an appeal, the committee has all the powers and functions of the officer who made the order and the committee may do any of the following things if, in the committee’s opinion, doing so would maintain the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan or policy statement:

1.  Confirm, modify or rescind the order to demolish or repair.

2.  Extend the time for complying with the order.  2002, c. 9, s. 24."

Section 15.3 (4) Appeal to Court 

"The municipality in which the property is situate or any owner or occupant or person affected by a decision under subsection (3.1) may appeal to the Superior Court of Justice by notifying the clerk of the municipality in writing and by applying to the court within 14 days after a copy of the decision is sent.  2002, c. 9, s. 24."

The By-Law Enforcement Officer will give details regarding the Order to Comply #2025-OTC-AE01 issued to Kent Hugh Nuhn for 195 1st Ave N, Chesley, as per the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie Property Standards By-Law 18-2000, section 3.1. (A), 3.1 (B), 3.1 (D) and 3.1 (E).

Jen Burnett, MSc., MCIP, RPP, Senior Planner for the County of Bruce will provide an explanation on the permitted uses in the Site-Specific Zoning for the property being By-Law 15-2015 and their associated definitions. 

An appeal to the Property Standards Order was received by the Clerk of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie on February 5, 2025.

No written submissions were received from the Appellant

The Committee will be given an opportunity to deliberate and make a decision to: 

1. Confirm, modify or rescind the order to demolish or repair

2. Extend the time for complying with the order. 2001, c.9 s.24

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